Hi there. I have created this site so that you my friends, family and sponsors can keep in the loop during my year on the Anastasis - in Ghana and Liberia. I will update it as often as I am able, and hope that you can get the feel of life on board a volunteer hospital ship!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Wonderful Ward

Hi! I know I have been a bit slack at updating this blog recently - and looking back over the last four months I realised I haven't shown you much of what I do when I am at work on the Anastasis. This week I decided to show you a few pictures and bits and pieces from the ward.

We start each shift with handover - much the same as in any ward in the world, however we spend time praying for the patients, the surgeons, the nurses and the ward at this time too.

After handover, we like in most wards check on our patients and start our nursing care. Dr Gary Parker - our maxillo-facial surgeon and any visiting surgeons then do ward rounds - meeting and greeting each of their patients with the charge nurses, physios, pharmacists and ward nurses, and deciding on a plan of care.

After ward rounds - we know what we need to do before the shift is over, so the work starts in earnest. We dispense medications, feed and water the patients - especially those who have had surgery on their jaws and inside their mouths - they require naso-gastric tubes, which we pour ready made liquid food down.

There is also a lot of dressing changes - anything from surgical scars to removing drains, removing sutures and staples, and cleaning the wounds - which can often be quite a challenge.

During this time of course we are also constantly assessing the patients - making sure they are okay and recovering from their surgery well and without complications.

In amongst all the routine post-operative care we provide to our patients who have had their surgery - we also admit new patients and take them up to the Operating Room (OR) for their surgery, where together with the OR nurses and some translators we pray that all goes well!

When the patients return from the OR, it is always a sight to see. The ward is a level below the operating rooms, so we have to carry the stretcher down stairs! It is not as bad as it sounds, and over the years they have developed a unique pulley system to gently transport the patient down into the ward.

Over the next couple of shifts and days - these patients are recovered by the ward team back to independence.

After all the required nursing work is done, we are able to relax with the patients, share stories, play games, show movies and generally get to know them and where they have come from.

We make many friends, and it is often sad to see patients discharged. However it is great to see them leave the ward, happy and healthy of course!

I hope you feel a little more aware of what goes on on the Anastasis ward, and what sort of things I do when I am at work. Thanks for your interest and prayers - they are much appreciated!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL - Stairs

10:26 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sophie, Kate Hadfield here. I've just found your blog and wanted to say I think what you're doing is amazing, and so inspiring! I will try to catch up on all your posts soon.

10:11 pm


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