Hi there. I have created this site so that you my friends, family and sponsors can keep in the loop during my year on the Anastasis - in Ghana and Liberia. I will update it as often as I am able, and hope that you can get the feel of life on board a volunteer hospital ship!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Life in the Ward

A new week, with new challanges. This is Prince. He is one of many children from Ghana who suffered from a large tumour on the side of his face. He and his father came to the ship on the first evening the ward was open, and Prince was one of the first people we operated on in Ghana, with the aim of removing his tumour.

Prince goes home today! He is 9 years old, very friendly and has the most awesome smile. He doesn't speak english, but we have some very helpful translators on the ward who help us to chat with him. He is now a veteran of the ward, and is basically the boss guy. As he has felt stronger, he has joined us on the aft deck of the ship for singing and another nurse and I taught him how to use a swing. He is pretty good now, but we have to really make sure he does not fall over.

The other child in the photo is Daniel Walls - a kiwi kid who lives on board the Anastasis, who had 'adopted' Prince. The adopt a patient scheme means that crew members who do not have access to the ward like myself, and often have no opportunity to relate to patients are able to have the same opportunities as us nurses. Daniel and Prince get on like a house on fire, and last night Prince came up to the deck to watch us play a bit of cricket - which he thought was hilarious!

It is strange sending patients home, but Im sure prince will have a much better chance at a normal life from now on, and it has been a priviledge to be a part of it! Here he is with some of our other patients on the Aft Deck the day before he went home.

Thanks for your interest!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Balloons! That's a very festive looking ward.

Keep up the good work Soph!

6:55 pm


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